About MGUG

Mahayogi Gorakhnath University Gorakhpur

Mahayogi Gorakhnath University Gorakhpur was established in the year 2021 to provide multifaceted, multipurpose service and education in the field of Medical, Ayurveda, Nursing, Allied Health Sciences, Paramedical, Agriculture, Pharmacy, Dental and Law etc. It was inaugurated by Honorable President of India Shri Ramnath Kovind Ji in the gracious presence of Honorable Governor Mrs. Anandi Ben Patel Ji as distinguished guest. The inauguration ceremony was presided over by the Chancellor of Mahayogi Gorakhnath University Gorakhpur, Honorable Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Gorakshpeethadheeswar Mahant Yogi Adityanath Ji on 28th August 2021. The University is having state-of-the-art laboratories and research facilities and an excellent ecosystem for extra-curricular activities. The campus is Wi-Fi enabled this uses advanced technology to impart education. It is established to support and develop students in such a way that they gain lifelong learning skills and become competent professionals.

Our aim is to help develop competent, responsible and efficient citizens of tomorrow imbued in Indian value system which inculcates in them character, morality, courage of conviction and highest order integrity, ever ready to serve the nation in any role which is assigned to them or they opt the role of their choice themselves. Moreover, to prepare such skilled forceful and capable citizens who are having syncretic view of material and spiritual life and use acquired knowledge to empower and evolve themselves and to serve the people. Preparing such citizens whose life mantra is

न त्वहम् कामये राज्यम् न स्वर्गम् न पुनर्भवम् ।
कामये दुःखतप्तानाम् प्राणिनामार्तिनाशनम् ।।

In other words - I do not wish for a kingdom, I do not want heaven and salvation. It is my wish to be able to help in alleviating the suffering of people."